Thursday, June 9, 2011


Today while spending time with the rest of my team, my four year old teammate yelled at my two year old teammate in utter frustration,


I could totally relate. I feel like this a lot. Often with my neighbors who are about half my age. And who like to interrupt my reading/studying/eating/cooking/showering/sleeping with whatever they are doing at the moment.

God, give me grace to know that I am not more important than my neighbors. Help me to remember that what I'm doing right now is not more important than them and their seemingly small or bothersome requests. Help me to stop and show them the attention and love that Jesus seemed to show to all those who interrupted what he was doing.

1 comment:

Aunt Beth said...

I need to take heed of this also, Kenny, especially when I am doing errands and unexpectedly meet someone who wants to chat when I am "on a mission" to get done and get home.