Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 In Numbers

6 Countries
7 Trips through customs and immigration
27 Different places I've slept (not counting airplanes and trains)
2,500 Words learned in a new language (just guessing)
10,000+ Pages read (also guessing, but this one is more based on reality)
16,000+ Miles traveled by plane, train, car, boat, tuk-tuk, rickshaw, bicycle, and on foot
3 Times I vomited
10+ Years since I had last vomited
0 Days I've been clean-shaven
1 Car accident
1 Purse snatching witnessed
2 Weddings attended
4 Weddings missed
0 Funerals
0 Days in an office
1 New home in a slum
Countless goodbyes, hellos, friends, tears, hugs, prayers, songs, and cups of tea


Amy said...

Kenny, This is fantastic! I love it! So sorry you messed up your vomiting streak! That's quite unfortunate. Here's to another 10+ years without losing your lunch. Pray you're doing well and continue to feel a strong sense of God's calling in your life! We're lifting you up!

Anonymous said...


I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well. For most people those would be numbers of dispare. Knowing you though, I'm confident that you've thoroughly enjoyed your time and are looking forwared to the balance. We're praying for you!