Monday, November 9, 2009

First Hello from K-town

I don't have a tremendous amount of time for an update, but just wanted to say hello, I made it here safely, and so far things have been wonderful. For which I am very thankful.

The trip was pretty decent, if really long. Here's the highlights:

-Individual touch screen monitors makes a 15 hour flight much easier and seemingly shorter. However, 3 movies in 15 in hours is too many. Not doing that again.
-Good conversations with some fellow passengers, most of whom were heading home to India instead of visiting.
-I had a nine hour layover in Delhi, during which time I managed to ride a bus that broke down, sleep in about 7 different parts of the airport, and have my passport and ticket checked about 27 times.
-Mexican omelet on a domestic Indian flight. Wow. Amazingly, it was pretty good.
-Watching the himalayas in the sunrise on my flight. Incredible.

It's been a fantastic couple of days. We've been seeing some of the city, getting to see a few different ministries here, and meeting some fantastic folks.

Currently up early because the jetlag wouldn't let me sleep, but I'm thankful that I seem to be slightly more awake each day. Today we get to explore some more of the city and go to orientation at Mother Teresa's ministry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep on serving our lord Ken this is amazing stuff.