Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Take That Wall Street

This week has been full of economic craziness. Too much greed, not enough regulation, lots of bad decisions and things fall apart.

Again, I'm struck by how much simplicity/love/faith/community frees you from fear. Something tells me that Jesus didn't own stocks. The first hungry person he saw and they'd be traded for food. Then again, it doesn't seem that he owned much of anything. And Jesus wouldn't be affected by the potential collapse of the market.

I too have been enjoying the comfort of knowing that I don't own stocks or crazy securities with bits of people's overstretched mortgages. And the security of knowing that I can survive with my fellow interns on not very much money. Yes, if the economy collapses we'll all have problems. But I have the even greater security of knowing that my daily bread comes from God (or at least I'm working on trusting Him for it) and I will be cared for better than sparrows even if we have ourselves a good ole' fashioned depression.

Beyond that, I'm pretty excited for my forays into the freeconomy. This evening I pedaled about 7 blocks on the shared bike of a housemate (free!) and picked up a comforter from someone on freecycle (really free!) to furnish our guest room so friends and family can stay here (again, for free!). That's right, someone didn't need it anymore and instead of adding to the landfills, it's now going to keep our guests warm. Take that Wall Street.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kenny - I'm checking into Freecycle - mom