Thursday, September 4, 2008

Kind of like the co-op... only with Christian social justice interns.

I'm here! Yesterday I successfully moved into the intern house. It's gorgeous, and quite large, as the 8 of us really don't use the basement at all. So far we've mostly been eating and talking and tentatively getting to know one another, but everyone seems quite spectacular at this point. [Key word being 'seems'... you know at least one of them has to be a secret spy or something].

My roommate is a lovely scottish chap named Joey. We don't have bed frames yet due to a slight mix up involving packing the tools before disassembling them at the old house. So... we're supposed to get bed frames sometime before too long. Instead of setting up our room we've been rocking out on the guitars and enjoying the wonderful roof we access to through our window.

In general, life is great. More updates will come as work actually starts, I get to know the housemates better, and we ease up enough on trying to be super nice and get down to really living together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have really slacked on updating you pic site!! trip out west, peru, now dc